Aus dem Englischunterricht, Sketch – Festgestaltung

Aus dem Englischunterricht

Darsteller(in) Text
Pupils: „Good morning, Mr. Teacher!“
Teacher: „Good morning boys. Sit down please. What about your homework? Well, Christian, where is your homework, please?“
Christian: „Oh, sorry, I left it in the school bus.“
Teacher: „Mmh, well, then -, Jakob, what about your homework?“
Jakob: „Oh, sorry, I left my pencil at school. So, I couldn’t do my homework.“
Teacher: „Mmh, well, Fabian, what about your homework?“
Fabian: „Oh, sorry, I can’t find my exercise book. Where is my exercise book?“
Teacher: „Mmh, well, Harun, what about your homework?“
Harun: „Oh, sorry, I left my school bag at school, yesterday.“ I have no homework.“
Teacher: „Ah, well, Sergej, what about your homework?“
Sergej: „Oh, sorry, I’ve lost my pencil case. I could not write one word at home.“
Teacher: „Ah, well, Alex, what about your homework?“
Alex: „Oh, sorry, it was my sister’s birthday. So I couldn’t do my homework.
Teacher: „Ah, well, Viktor, what about your homework?“
Viktor: „Oh, sorry, my Mum always says: „Clean your room!“ So I couldn’t do my homework.“
Teacher: „Ah, well, Lucas, what about your homework?“
Lucas: „Oh, sorry, my pen was empty. So I couldn’t write my homework.“
Teacher: „Ah, well, Daniel, tell me: What was your homework for today?“
Daniel: „Our homework was this: We had to find a good excuse, why we have done no homework.“

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